Another day is here!!! And I am awake during the daylight hours!!! Was beginning to feel as though I was of the Vampire Clan or something damn near close anyway!!! ....but guess if I am up and running during the daylight can't be much of a Vamp!!!! Right? All say "RIGHT"!!!
Got lots of work to do getting things ready around here for the Holidays!!! This has to do from running a shop...Christmas really does begin sometime in July.....and really this being the end of July...I am starting late this year!!! No joke!!
Even though the people we serve.....through our shop here in this area in Jacksonville, Florida.....are really not gearing up so much for Christmas as they are for Samhain....(Halloween).....and then for Yule....which is on the 21st of December!! you can see how close to the Christmas thing it is!!! Of course...the theroy of the whole Christmas thing is taken from the Pagans as they were the ones that really celebrated the end of the harvest and the death and birth of the new God!! Jesus Christ was not born on December 25th by the way....for all of you that do not realize this one very clear fact that comes from a ton of studying! was born closer to the time of His death upon the cross. I would say that semi-close examination of this fact could show anyone this!!
But you know how people are....rather then study things for themselves....they would rather be led by the nose by some other person posing as higher and knowing so much more then the rest of us seem to know!!! Due to this....I, myself have met with much scorn!!!! seems that no one wants to think that they themselves can do quite a bit of their own studying and learn so very much more!!! Have been a Catholic ....that lasted 33 years....of which I consider a total waste of my time anymore....33 years of letting some priest tell me all of what our Lord is about!!!....but thank God that He did not allow for me to really absorb all the teaching of the Catholic churchnot that the people in that church are bad...because they are not....they really just don't know the whole story is all.
Through my whole life in the Catholic church though....I did study on the Craft and even become a part of it as well! Then one day....back in 81'...I was born again and Spirit filled!! So yes, I am a born again person....! Going from one church to the next was my next step!!! Studying the Bible was like second nature to me!!! The Bible actually came alive in my hands!!! But as I learned of the deeper things of God...I also realized that it was not a good thing for me to be in any certain church. I had far too many questions that no one was able to ever give a sound answer for!!! And too...I was always told that I need not to have all these sort of questions....that I needed to be more silent within the church body!!! Of course that did not sit well with me either!!! Needless to say....who were they to tell me that I was not suppose to be asking questions!!! I finally realized that I was being told this simply because they who were in the teaching/preaching position did not have any of the answers to the questions I was bringing up!!
I was also finding that I was learning far more when I was not in a so called "church bodyor fellowship" what can I say?I have had so many people tell me that I must being going to a church somewhere to know and understand what I do....and to see their faces when I tell those people that "no" I study on my own with the best teacher I could think of!!!and with that they usually look at you like...."WHO!!?"....It literally blows me away!!!! Who do they think?? I do not hold with the traditions of man when it comes to the Lord....I follow only Christ Jesus...He who never had a church to preach out of....He who never had a bed to lay down in....He who never had a dinner table of His own to sit down at....He who had only what was on His back for clothing.....He who walked upon this earth only for a short time....but long enough to see how messed up mankind had really become....He who was and is God and will continue to be God forever....He who layed all that aside to come her to live as we do so that He might more fully understand how really hard it is for this one creation of His to get by in this world....MAN!!!
Knowing all this....I never did pray for anything for my own self.....but prayed only to know Him more and more....and that in time....His timing....that He might begin to use me as a vessel to bring His truth to others. That was and is my only request of God.
Due to this....I learned of so many other books written by those that are in the Bible today as we know it.....books written by Moses,
Enoch, who walked with God and was other words has yet to taste of death....other books written by the Apostle Paul, and James, and John, and almost everyone that someof their books are in the Holy Scriptures! My big question to the world still stands the same by the way! How is it that we can build our faith upon what Paul wrote in the Scriptures....yet we can only read what he wrote and is in the Bible itself!!!? How is it that we can cast off all the other writings that these men did write? And who was it that decided which books should only be within the Holy Scriptures? And why?
Oh .....I do know the answers for this now....but I will let you all think upon this....and then tomorrow....or the very next time I sit down and write in here...I will give you the answers to this!
So until the next have now food for thought!!
Brightest Blessing to you.....
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