Wow..thought I would never get back here!!! Holidays can be so busy!!
So this is late...to me anyway....and right now I am the only one who reads anything in here!! LOL That is cool though...it becomes like a Diary to me!!
The store was really busy through all the Holidays...well most of them!! Christmas most of all of course!! But after Christmas was like swamped!! Which is really super good!! I like to see that store really busy....Deb has worked so hard to build that into a nice business...and it feels so good to see the customers come back again and again...because she does have a great selection....she very much hand-picks everything for that shop!! And...she does a great job doing it too!!
My Mother ended up in the hospital from the Nursing Home~ She was not able to swallow anything, but seems to be doing better right now....and is suppose to be going back to the Nursing Home tomorrow!! So that is good news!! She is so fragile anymore...and that is sad to me....but she is 91 years old....and 'fragile' is really part of that age.
We had a good Holiday though~
No party at Kim's this year...so I found myself at Deb's Christmas Eve!! But I like going to Deb's house anyway!! Christmas Day Deb, our Dad and myself...all went to the hospital to spend that afternoon with our Mom...I think it made her happy....she seemed in good spirits to me~
Now we are looking forward to New Years!!! Hurray!
We are planning on heading over to Tampa, Florida for New Years Eve....want to get in some gambling you know!! Sure do miss it!! So it will be fun, I already know that!! Zack is coming with Deb and I to Tampa...and that too is good!! He loves to gamble...and he needs the break from this place as bad as Deb and me....so I am looking forward to this.
Not looking forward to New Years Day though!! I never do anymore! That is Michael's birthday you see...and this year....2010....he will be 37 years old!! He has been gone now nearly 6 years!! Wow...how time does fly so quickly....even if you are not having fun!!
I do enjoy myself more now...but on days like his birthday and his death day.....I don't really enjoy too very much without the constant thought that he is no longer a part of my life here on earth. Well...he is but not like before! He is in spirit to me always with me...and I think this in my mind helps me live a more normal life maybe. I think it does really.
Today....I met Tabby....my ole' Ghost Hunting buddy...and we went to see New Moon!!! That was really a good movie!! Am I going to buy it??? You bet! Will try to be the first one in line even to get it!! I think Tabby was a bit tired...but she is so sweet...even tired she drove all the way from St. Augustine to meet me to see this movie!! And she already saw it 2 times before!!
She is though...like me....a total "TwiHead"....it is really hard not to be, when you are looking at Vampires that look like these in Twilight do!! LOL Mostly Edward...but really they all look so fine to me!! So I did enjoy this Sunday to the fullest!! I enjoyed seeing Tabby, Michael and Brandon again too!! I do miss not seeing them all the time like I use to...we always had such good times together Ghost Hunting.
My time though does not allow me to be involved in that like I use to...and through fairness...I sort of gave it all up...not in my heart though...because I will be forever interested in what that group is doing next!! I think Tabby knows this....and that is good too!! We have a lot to talk about when we get together....but today, we really didn't talk very much, as we centered ourselves on the movie!! LOL It was still a ton of fun to me!!
Well there really isn't that much more to write about here tonight!!
Got work tomorrow!! Need my rest...I think!!!
One more thing...and this is the spoiled side of me here....I am ready for SUMMER!!!
We are not even to the New Year yet...and I am already wishing it would get hot!! This is Florida afterall!! I want the sun and the heat!! Once upon a time....long long ago....I thought I loved the winter!! Boy was a stupid back than!! Just have no use for this cold!! And I know that cold to me is zip nothing to someone living up North!!! But we have a lot of room in Florida...sort of anyway....people up North need to move South!! Winter is too cold!
Even at 65°...that is too cold!! So to all you Snowbirds....in weather at -20°....I don't know how you do it!!! I would have to jump in my car and head South...even if for only the winter months!!!
Know the snow is gorgeous...but I think it is prettier looking at it in picture myself!! LOL
Give me the Hot Hot Hot Summers of Florida any ole' day of the year...that is more my style!!
Well got to run!! Till next time!! And that could be whenever...as you can see...a daily writer I am not!! LOL