Wow..this was an interesting day for me...in more ways than one!!
Really got to watch "twilight" last night and fell in love with it!! Oh my that is a great movie for sure!! But I love Vampires...like most women...many will not even admit it though!! I don't mind telling you though...
Sooooo...today I set out to find out how many movies are going to be made with this Twilight...and I think it will be 4!! New Moon is coming out in November...Nov.20th to be exact here!! I want to be there to see it at the movies this time...and buy the DVD later!!
I also spent a lot of th=ime scouting out the book on the whole thing...and there are 4...containing 2560 pages in all!!
I wanted that whole set!! No way around it!! And in Hardcover...because I am a Book Collector!!
But I want to read these first!!
So I found them at a great price in eBay this morning!! Started my day off right I think!! I bought them for certain!!
Than I sat here working on my artwork for a few hours...thinking about so many things~
How bad I have been to people I care about was one of my topics!! Normally I am not bad to anyone...more times than most...people are bad to me!! And I just go on...laugh about it and keep moving forward~
But really and truly...I have been not too nice to a few people that I do care about and that is really not good for me at all.
It ruins my whole outlook on myself...waste my energy on things not needed in my life....and is just really stupid on my part!!
So because I buying something in eBay...I went into my email account for my Pay Pal...and noticed there was an email in there from a person, who bought tickets for FGC's ParaCon but has not heard anything back from them yet and the ParaCon is TONIGHT!!!
So I emailed it all to Tabby. She needed to know about this. Through that email...I guess it led to me emailing something interesting that I also found in eBay...that they as a team really need. Not that they do not have a DVR system...but they could really use a new one...so I emailed that along to her also.
She did email me back...and after reading her emails and there were 2...I decided it was time to call an end to our problems!
Yes...these problems are stupid!!
We both were Founders of FGC....but I left on my own...because once I was booted from the group...and after asked to return and did...I really felt out of place anymore there.
I do care about them though...and that they do have investigations to do...and I talk to people everyday...about FGC and their work...and have had so many people ask me if there is a way that I might be able to contact that group still for an investigation.
I always say I will try...but never do try.
All of that has to stop!
I do care about many of people in that group...they were good people to me once...and are all still good people.
I like Tabby...we use to be really good friends....but it seems that friendships sometimes suffer needlessly.
I like Charles and his wife alot too...and I miss Michael sneaking up behind me and scaring the poop out of me!! LOL
We had some great times as a group...and that is a fact.
So I am putting the whole thing to rest....no more problems...I am so tired of problems.
I did email Tabby back to let her know that she has never been forgotten by me...she is and will remain a person I do consider a friend.
Same with Charles, Holly his wife, Hollyberry, Jim...and of course Lauren!!
This is my good leaf I am turning over today!
I am happy about it...and I can smile bigger now...because I have tried to make amends with Tabby.
I am a pretty happy person really....and having things out of wack are not good for me~
So I can go to bed tonight knowing I tried to make things right between all of us somehow.
My day has been very good today...and I am smiling about it right now, because I can sleep without feeling bad about anything.