Saturday, August 07, 2010
Mike Calcaterra at
I love you son and I will never forget your wonderful smile! May God forever Bless you~
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wow it has been forever since I have written anything in here~~~
Today is a good day to start again~~
Eclipse just open and I am going to see it in IMAX~~ I can hardly wait to get tothat theatre today-- Gosh it seems like we have all waited such a long time for each of these movies to come out...but they are always worth the waiting--- They are all so good---
A really ton of things have changed in my life since I last wrote~~
My Mother passed away on March 2nd of this year. She had really battled that illness...but was tired and needed to reat. I know she is in peace now more more pain. God Bless you Mom~~
I got fired from my job after working for my sister Debbie, at her store, Pipes 4 U, for 2 and 1/2 years. There really wasn't room for me to be working there anyway...I had become in the way of her x-husband and his habits that he does do there at the store. Apparently I knew too much about all his going ons...that he had to make up stories about me to my sister, to get fired~~ Way to go Zack...and I surely would not ever want your Karma~
I do have a dog now...and she was a cute puppy~~ But she is still a cutie~~ She is 6 and 1/2 months old and right about 65 pounds~~ Not a tiny little thing~~ She is gorgeous~~ Her name is Maggie May...and she is a Great Pyernees~
I am back with my group again...Florida Ghost Chasers...and this time to stay~ I have really missed notr doing investigations....and it was time to get back in the swing of things for me~~ Got to thank Tabby and Michael for keeping me always and forever in mind...and not letting me wonder too far away from them all~~
Well an super excited about that Eclipse movie today~ Really need to get ready to go~ But wanted to write something here again....have been trying to get back in here for days really....but everytime I think about writing, something else comes up in my life that is more pressing to me~~
Everyone that has waited for Eclipse....get on out there to see it!! Today is our day guys!! Today we are in Twilight Heaven again!!