Monday, August 05, 2013

Another Day working hard!!

Wow am running hard to beat the clock now!!
Is very normal for me. Wait until deadline and then push like anything to get things done!
But this time was different really...I have been working on things for months actually...getting ready for different craft shows. The only thing is, is, I am very picky about my has to be just so so for me to even begin to think of showing it much less selling it...and I know from past experiences that you really need so much in items to do a craft show right...and I am seeing that even though it looks like a ton here to me right I assemble things...they number of finished items is getting so much less. Well I tried! I can say that! 
I just can not have a years worth of work in a month or two....not when everything is made completely by hand. 
And my things are just that completely by hand!
So I will go to this show with what little I have completed and hope for the best and then begin to place all my work online for sale.

Am still having a terrible time with my car here. Wow!
The battery is dying dying dying! 
What will I do with no car? That is a serious problem really because I am the sole person that does all the shopping, food and otherwise for this household. 
Yes am a Care Giver to a Quadreplegic man....and have been for almost 19 years now...will be 19 in December actually...but life has been very hard for us...we live really day to day...not knowing what our tomorrow will be money wise. We have nearly nothing but at least we have a roof over our heads right?
I do have family here...but I also think they are not willing to help me...and that is a problem.
Help all those that truly don't need the help and turn your back on those that do...common place for my need to just get use to that!
We will survive in spite of all obstickles we will survive!!

That may not sit too well with so,e of my family members....but you know what...that is just too darn bad!! Sorry folks...I will be here long after you are done with your games!!

On the brighter side of life....
I is too dang hot here! This is southern Florida and wow it is extremely hot! 
The meter reads about 88 right now...but it feels like 188! 
Think that is all this heavy duty humidity that we have...and if and when it rains....and it normally does every single never even cools it down for even a half hour! I is like an oven! And it stay like an oven rain or shine!
Was wanting to make this my final home...but don't think that is going to happen really. It is just too hot here for me....not to speak of my two dogs with their double coats of hair! OMG!!
And don't shave a Great Pyrenees! 
Well some do...but it is really not a good idea, because that coat they have protects them from both heat and cold! But there are some that simply will not even begin to understand this.
So no no dogs will never ever be shaved!
That is really just stupid!

Well it is back to the grind here lol! 
My work has to be done by the evening of the 8th! Oh NOOOO!!
Sure does! The festival is the 9th! stress! Stress makes a mess!
So no stress here! Lol! Right!
Am really looking forward to the festival has been a good while since I have really done one...and it is exciting to me! Love meeting new folks! Love selling things! Yup a festival is right up my alley!!