Been a very long time in between post. Had a hard time figuring out how to use my Blog from my iPad, so am really hoping this works. Guess I will see!
What is up in my life U^I^U
Dogs?? Yes....always me and my dogs!
We have moved out of Jacksonville, finally...OMG am so glad to be out of that place! I is not a bad place, but you know how if you stay in one place that has meant something very bad to you, and that could be any reason really feel relieved to get out!
I don't like being so far from my Dad...he will be 97 in September, and that I think is the only reason I sometimes wish I had stayed there, even though staying there was ruining my spirit for living.
I am still taking care of he is here in Cocoa Florida too. And of course there is Maggie and Stormy with me.
I live fairly close to really good friends here, so that also makes a lot of difference.
I see them so much more then I ever saw my own family while living in Jacksonville all those years.
I is extremely hot down here though, OMG it is so hot! But beautiful really!
I have finally begun to really work with my clay. Gosh...I thought I never would get back to that. But I did and am! Started out making "Charms" so am really going to town on that because I love making miniatures always have!!
Will be going to my first festival in fact on the 9th of really have to get down to finishing so many different pieces I have already made.
Am very excited about this! Even found myself a name for my work! Lol "Whimsy Bits"! Do you like it? It really does speak of me! Everything is whimsical, fanciful, pretty, and what you might see in a fairy tale. I have only just begun working back in my clay, polymer clay...and these Charms are something new to me. I am more use to making fairies and such....but I thought this would be a fun change, and teeny tiny things are really what I love to make anyway. So we will see. Will have to figure out how to post photos in here of my work. I know there has to be a way lol!
Will figure that out a bit later though.
Just feels great to have found my Blog again...and hopefully now, now that I am settled in my home, I can really use this Blog! Have had it for about 8 years and only used it here and there....most there right?? Lol
Well that is all for this morning...but will some how bookmark this spot so I can find my way do more posting.
Would love to post photos of my dogs here too. See just got to figure out how!!
Really out of practice right? Yup I know! But don't think I ever posted photos in here though. I do know many folks do so have to figure this out.
Was really happy to see my background work lasted the test of time also! Really did not know what to expect...other then being able to write in here!
Remember folks...I no longer own a computer...I own an iPad :)
Well a laptop too...okay you got me there...but the iPad is what I always use anymore. If I pull out my laptop, the first thing I do is try to use it with a touch screen...and got to tell ya all it doesn't quite work so well doing that lol!! Nope nope and nope!!
So I do use my iPad for everything anymore. And not always does Apple allow some things to come up on the screen. Like even things I had loaded down the side of my blog...they do not show up! :(
Disturbing I guess...but I can live with it no problem!
I like using the iPad too much to complain really.
Well am going to scoot and see if there is any linkage to my Facebook page...gee that would also be completely awesome!
Well till the next type out....which now that I found my way here will not be far off...and who knows...I may become a regular every day Blogger!! Cool!!
Till next your dogs...hugs them extra one time before going to and be at harmony with all your and peace.....(((hugs))) xoxo