Greetings....and....Merry Meet....
Hmmm....this is all new to me! Web Pages I have made, several in fact!...but to just simply write what is on my mind...well I have not done this! So hang in here as I get going....and soon I will getthis down too....I hope!!
Just a few facts about "me".
My name is Carla, but SparrowHawk is my Magickal name and I do use it alot online. Right now I maintain only one WebSite, but am working on others, dealing with Fearies...(the fae)...Magick...and of course, an online shop for Metaphysical Supplies, called Wrinkle n' Tyme. And oh yes, my husband and I do run a wonderful physical shop here in Florida, where we live! So we stay very busy and really do love what we do.
Enough about me! I have work to do still today! LOL So for signing out!!