Am doing pretty good!! LOL
This is the 16th...and I am writing again!! Not a normal thing to say the least!! I usually spip past many days..than write!! So this is pretty good for me~
Just finished reading the beginning portion of Midnight Sun....that was written on Edward's take~ Wow...that is all I can say!! I think Srephenie Meyer's needs to write this one for everyone!! The little that she has allowed us to read of that book, tells a whole lot about Edward...and how he was actually suffering through that first meeting of Bella~ She was so different...so confusing to him...because he was not able to read her mind...and because her scent was so strong to him...so compelling....breaking down all he had worked so hard to be....[different than other Vampires, one who did not feed upon humans]...Bella was so different to him...and it left him completely open to what he "could" be~
I do hope she writes this book~ It tells the story from a different angle and that angle needs to be out there for all of her readers.
Pluss...the story has to keep going!!
Now I sound almost addicted to it myself!! WOW!!!
I am in the 4th book now...and I am taking it so much slower than all the other books...not wanting it to come to an end!! The story is really that good!!
Dragging my thoughts away from Edward and Bella now!! LOL
Have got work today...dso this entry needs to be smaller~
I do hope that Tabby and her group had a wonderful time Sunday night at Ashley's!! I know that was an important investigation for them all. This morning I came across some more EVP's that I missed on my computer...now I have to figure out how to get them off to her!! I didn't want to miss any of them...my concern was that she DID get everything from past investigations. So I do feel bad about missing these...but honestly, I did not think I had missed any! Rats!!
I will get them to her one way or another...that I am sure of....I just hate it that I did not see them when I was doing the disks for her.
This week will be a short workweek for me!! I will not be working one of the days that I normally work, because I am going to the Nursing Home on Thursday to have Thanksgiving Dinner with my Mother. We all are I think~
Going to the Nursing Home has become a very hard thing for me of lately. When I do go there...I come away completely drained of all energy! It is so bad. No one seems to understand this...so I have given up trying to explain it to anyone.
It is all the death that I feel when I am there...and I have walked in the shoes of grief for such a long time now that getting around all that death seems to take my positive outlook and crush it something terrible! I have to rebuild my outlook everytime I go there. The rest of my family is not affected in this way. They are naturally affected by the saddness of that place, and the way my Mother is today...not at all what we want to remember of her...she was always so special to all of us. She still is you see...but now it is hard for any of us to see her this way.
For me though...it is bringing back to front view...death! And it is harder than the others know. I would not want them to have to feel the way I do to understand me...not at all. For them to understand would mean that they too, would have to walk in my shoes. Sometimes I think they understand a bit...because they know all that I have lost in this life. But it is easy for them to forget when they get tired of going there themselves~
I have to work on this dealing with that Nursing Home~
Something that I have to get past....something that I have to deal with. Afterall, my Mother is there and I to be able to visit her as often as I can.
It is really bad when death has surrounded a person...and going to a place where there is nothing but death. A problem to deal with. Everyday has new problems...but this one problem is something that has been with me a long time.
I will have to teach myself to not be so affected by the overwhelming death in that Nursing Home is all!
Well this is it for today!!!
Will try to hit in here again tomorrow!! That is a good thing for me....getting my thoughts out!! Instead of bottling them up and letting them become their own kind of monsters~
So tomorrow...I will return....I will try to return~~