Wow...it has been a little bit since I actually posted in here!! Have been in here a ton of times, but only to do different things...like add more stuff!!
Well I know it is the 15th of November...but I am still up from the 14th!! LOL
The 14th has always been a bit hard for me..since January 17th, 1989.
My youngest son was killed that day...he was only 13 years old and just the happiest little kid!! It was accidental...he went out to play with a friend, across the street, and the little boy had found some rifles in his closet...and when Chris finally got there, the boy was overly excited about his find! He pulled one out and wanted Chris to see it...but Chris had building a new Leggo set on his mind! In the process of trying to get my sons attention, the rifle the boy was holding went off and it did kill Chris, his best friend. So it goes without saying that every year since Chris has been gone, on the 14th of November is a bit hard for me still, because it is Chris' birthday...and this year he would have been 34 year old!!
This year though was a bit smoother for me...I am living with it all just fine.
We can't change what things have happened that are so final as death...so we have to learn to live with the ugly things in lives and just keep moving forward.
So I want to just say...Happy Birthday Chris...you are always with me and I love dearly and always will~
I actually had a very good day today...and Chris would be very proud of me! I know he would! I went to work...which I really do enjoy...and than towards the end of the evening, some very dear friends came to see me. It was just so good to see them again...have not seen them for a good while now...months and months~ Tabby and her husband, Michael, and their son Brandon~ Tabby and I were the Founders of Florida Ghost Chasers....and through many trials and error...I left the group, but thank goodness she kept going! They came to purchase my equipment...and we shared a lot of time at Denny's...laughing and just talking about so many things we had done before, and what all they are doing as a group now. Got to say...I am really very proud of her, she has really hung in there and that group is doing so many wonderful thing right now.
It was good to be able to just sit and chat with them again...like we use to do after every investigation...go have breakfast!! It was really so much fun!
It was so good to see them..and I hope we do it again and again and again!!
I do want her to keep me updated on the group because I just know that it is going to go far!! They are all very much into their work, and that is wonderful to me!!
I see only good things coming for them as a group.
Well it is late and I am going to make this one short!!! LOL
Will hit this again tommorrow though!! I hope!!
WEll hey it is tommorrow!! Later today than!! LOL
Till than........