Hey....Hey.....Hey....Hey.....another wonderful day.....I mean it is B+E+A+U+T+I+F+U+L !!!!!!! I do believe SUMMER is well on her way!!! Oh thank goodness....I hate the cold weather!!! Of course living in Florida you never really do see the REAL DEAL in the COLD WEATHER department....but it gets cold enough for all of us living down here just the same!!! We are not really prepared for the cold that you all get in the North part of the country or even the cold of the mid-west....but what we do get is cold to us here!! Most of us really never stop wearing shorts....or tees even if it gets cold you know....and in my case....well hell I never stop wearing scandals!!! LOL I guess we sort of try to keep our warm weather alive even in the winter with the sort of clothes we continue to wear throughout the entire year......but hey this is Florida you know!!!
So lets see....I managed to get some sleep last night!!!! HURRAY!!!! Now I feel like taking on the world!!! That is what is so bad about me getting enough sleep!! I end up waking up with this sudden burst of dangerous energy.....so dangerous is it that I could almost clean this entire house in a matter of a few hours!!!! Now that is major dangerous to me!!! Hey I am layed back....have been all my life....and these sudden burst of energy do tend to scare me a bit!!!! My natural way is to move slowly you know.....so as not to age too quickly!!! LOL My normal way of thinking is people do tend to move about too quickly and the result of this is AGE!!!!! They tend to age just as quickly!! These are my secret thoughts....I do not scare them with everyone....well let me rephrase that....I have not scared them with too many people all my life!! For those that I have shared this with tend to laugh about it as though it were silly....but I see these people now and they all look so old to me....so there is something in the way we move about our day....each day!! I don't care who laughs about this...I am the proof that what I am saying now....at the tender age of 55 years old is the truth!!!! Hey folks...I am a Grandmother of 3 Granddaughters....all the most beautiful little girls in the world!!! My son is 30 years old.....and to me he will always be the most handsome guy on earth.....but then you have to remember that he is special to me....he is all I have left...he is my jewel!!!! He reminds me more and more everyday of his Dad....who I have to tell you .....was also very handsome!!! One thing that I am so very thankful for though is that he does not seem to have that terrible temper that his Dad has....and that is a +++++ to me!!!!
He is married to a beautiful girl....or I should say woman....but none the less she is really a looker.....and even though there are times when she doesn't think so...I can tell you from where I stand she is a LOOKER!!! She has really made my son so happy....and I am so thankful for that! I never thought my son would actually marry and have a family of his own....he was such a player....but when he met her his whole world turned upside-down....thank God for that!!! She has really been so good for him.
I guess of all the times of the year...this is the best time to be thankful for what we actually do have in our lives you know. Some think it is Christmas.....some think Thanksgiving....I happen to think Easter is the best time. At least for me it is.
Soooooooooo....I am thankful for my life...it has not been easy....and I am thankful for even those times it has been hard....because those were the times when I seemed to learn the most out of life altogether. Hey wisdom really does come with age my friends....don't let anyone fool you about that!!
I remember all too well my younger years....oh hey....I knew everything there was to know....I was not any different then anyone one else my age!! I was a part of the Hippy Movement....yep...I was right out there.....with the flowers and the love beads that we all managed to string on our own hair.....damn my hair was really long back then!!!! Many things changed in this world during that time.....so many people finding new and enchanted things within this world around us....we were a trip....in more ways then one!!!!
I moved from the Hippy thing into the Craft.....witchcraft....and then from that into the Christian thing.....and landing in a whole new thing of just knowing that Christ was and is real....and being Born Again. Yep....that was how I went through my life! To here where I am....a person that thinks that I have no right to judge another for what they may believe in.....let and let live.....you do your thing and I will do my own!!! As my Grandmother use to say so often to most everyone....."You mind your business and I'll mind mine, if we both mind our own things would sure be fine, but if you mind your's and mind mine too, what the hell am I suppose to do!!!!" She was right about that....let me tell you!!!
I was married for so long the first time....25 years actually....and for all those years I was not really allowed to be out in the world like so many Mom's that work and such....my husband then was not willing to have me out in the world....he wanted me at home with our two boys....taking care of his home and his children...and as much as I feel sometimes that he was all wrong about that...I do have to say that more or less I was very lucky! He took very good care of his family....he was a good provider and a wonderful Father. So there Paul....I know you never go online because for some odd reason you are afraid of the internet....but man if you ever do and you stumble upon my Blog...you are going to read something you really never heard me say before. But the truth is the truth and it will stand forever!!!
Now I am remarried to another very wonderful man....he tries to provide for me.....times though are harder then they use to be....but we manage to make it every month none the less. He is a good man though....he treats me more like a queen then I have ever been treated....and I do think he is wonderful even if I am a bit testy at times!
Then there is this other person that lives here.....of whom I have more or less written about for the past few times. He has been a very special person to me in my life....he was there when I needed support that money just could not buy! I really care a lot for this man.....he is very special to me. The world has been very hard on him....he is a Quadraplegic....but he can do more and more things on his own and he would surprise anyone if they would only give him the chance to get to know him better. I tend to Mother him I guess....I don't want anyone to use him or hurt him....and that is all he has ever had happen in his life...so I do tend to be very protective of him....and right now that one thing is really causing problems in our friendship. But today....with all this wonderful energy flowing through me....I think I will back off...let whatever will be....be....and the cards will fall as they might...but I will be there to catch him if he is knocked down again!! This man is brilliant.....he is sooooo smart.....and yet people tend to see him as being retarded or something damn close to that....and all because he is in a wheelchair!!! How unfair people can be!!! That pisses me off to no end!! You don't tag a person with being retarded simply because they must use a wheelchair!!! That my friends is a NO NO in the biggest way!!!! I am thankful for him being in my life whether he realizes this or not....he was the one who really taught this lady how to use this machine the computer....how to open it up and do whatever needed to be done even on the inside of the dang thing....not to speak of the general knowledge of simply using it properly. Right now he does have a new friend in his life....someone he does care about and she does seem to care somewhat...but you have to keep in mind that because I am so protective of him...I do not tend to accept and believe too fast about any new friends he may find....and it really is only that I fear for him and his well being. But I think I have been a pain enough about all of that to him by now....so it is time to back off and let whatever is going to happen just happen. I only pray that this person is not using him for the moment and then toss him off to one side when she actually gets her own life together at last. I do not want to see him hurt is all.
I am also very thankful for my CAT!!!! Yep!!! You read this right!!! She was gone for 4 whole years...lost....and when I finally gave up looking for her....someone.....my sister who never saw her before in her life but in pictures.....just happened to spot her!!! So I was able to get Ms. Kitty back safe and sound....and today she is just as fat and fluffy as ever.....still running about like a young kitten would....chasing whatever.....me thinks the Faeries that live in this house with us do tend to tease my cat quite a bit.....and she is a whole 14 years old in our years!!! So she too is no spring chicken....but you know with all the sleep these cats tend to get.....their natural beauty rest so to speak.....that they can stay so much younger then we think!!! So for all you cat lovers out there....take care of your cat/cats.....try your darnest not to allow them to go out of doors....that is what is their main killer.....there is just too much out there for them to get into or catch! A safe Cat is an inside Cat....that is the truth!!!
Well I guess I need to get busy....I have so many things to do today in eBay!! Yep.....I am in eBay selling Metaphysical things....there is not really very much of that stuff in eBay...so I am doing pretty good right now. But I am also working on getting a website up....oh shit what a job that is....because I am so damn picky about how things look online!!!! So it may take me another moneth or so to actually get the front door of the site open....but it will be beautiful....that I promise myself when it is completed!!!!
So I leave you with a thought today....something to chew on...something to store in your memory.........
Love is forgiving and for giving.